Baner usługi


Obsługa korporacyjna klientów biznesowych

Legal corporate services for business clients

We provide comprehensive legal assistance to corporate clients, in particular in the area of company creation and registration, ongoing service of companies, including preparation of draft resolutions and corporate approvals, preparation and submission of required documents on behalf of clients for public registers, contracts’ creation and negotiation.

Prawo pracy oraz ubezpieczeń społecznych

Labor and social security law

We provide consultancy in the field of labor law and social security, including the reclassification of apparent civil contracts to employee contracts, we conduct employee matters related to the implementation of claims for reinstatement to work, discrimination (mobbing) in the workplace, we conduct disputes with ZUS regarding the loss of the right to benefits.

Odszkodowania i zadośćuczynienia w związku z wypadkami komunikacyjnymi

Compensation in connection with traffic accidents

We effectively deal with claims against insurance companies in connection with underestimated damages and seeking from an insurer compensation for harm suffered in connection with a traffic accident.

Sprawy rodzinne i opiekuńcze

Family and guardianship cases

We handle family law cases, in particular cases related to determining the right to maintenance, divorce cases and establishing contact rules with children.

Obrona w sprawach karnych

Defense in criminal matters

We provide defense activities in preparatory proceedings and defense in criminal matters.

Tax advisory

Bieżące doradztwo podatkowe

Ongoing tax consulting

We provide ongoing tax consulting services, we assess the tax consequences of contracts and concluded transactions.

Sprawy karno-skarbowe

Penal-fiscal cases

We provide defense in cases of tax offenses and tax misconducts.

Prowadzenie sporów podatkowych z organami administracji skarbowej

Conducting tax disputes with tax administration bodies

We provide taxpayer support in tax control and customs and tax control, we conduct tax proceedings on behalf of taxpayers and payers, including appeals against decisions and appeals against decisions, we conduct overpayment proceedings and prepare applications for VAT refund and withholding tax collected.

Postępowanie interpretacyjne oraz sądowo-administracyjne

Interpretative and administrative court proceedings

We submit on behalf of taxpayers applications for a written interpretation of tax law, applications for issuing protective opinions and we prepare complaints and cassation complaints, and we represent taxpayers before administrative courts.

Rezydencja podatkowa oraz obowiązki FATCA/CRS

Tax residence and obligations of FATCA / CRS

We settle tax problems related to foreign stay and change of tax residence, as well as the impact of the change of tax residence on the obligations on the basis of automatic exchange of tax information (FATCA / CRS). We determine the status of the entity under the FATCA / CRS regulations for the purposes of cooperation with financial institutions.

Informacje o schematach podatkowych (MDR)

Information on tax schemes (MDR)

We classify activities / contracts / transactions as tax schemes, and fulfill obligations to submit tax schemes (MDR) on behalf of entities.